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The membership lists of Brittannia Lodge No. 73 in the 1920’s contain some well known names in Victoria history, including Walter Luney – builder; Ralph Berrill – architect; Thomas Plimley – Plimley Motors, auto dealers

Victoria, B. C.

Regular Meetings were held on the second Thursday in each month.



Haugh, Norman O. – Wor. Master; Hetherington, R. – Senior Warden; Walker, A. H. – Junior Warden; Lloyd, M. B. (P.M.) – Treasurer; Blashfield, Frank H. – Secretary; Cook, Samuel – Chaplain; McFayden, C. (P.M.) – Dir. of Ceremonies; Chambers, W. A. – Senior Deacon; Abell, Percival C. – Junior Deacon; Hughes, E.T. – Organist; Norman, Hy. – Steward; Wilson, W. E. – Steward; Cowden, J. P. – Inner Guard; Stuart M. Manuel,  (P.M.) – Tyler


Anderson, John R.; Baird, Robert; Christian, C. K.; Edwards, John W.; Fox, Frank B.; Henderson, William; Messer, Andrew C.; Angus McKeownGeorge Lawson Milne; Pope. Wm. F. C.; Woodley, H. R.


Adams, Herb. Wm.; Aitken, Archibald M.; Allan, Thomas; Allbutt, Frank; Anderson, James N.; Atfield, Henry Thos.; Andrew, James A.; Appleby, Ernest R .; Arnall, Thos. J. T.; Bales, Clifford; Berrill, Ralph; Barnett, Harry A.; Bangerter, John C.; Barnes, Albert H.; Black, Donald; Bone, David Wm.; Bonner, Bernard R.; Bradley, James; Bray, Roderick; Brown, James; Brown, William S.; Brown, James F.; Buckler, John W.; Buckett, Wm. Jas.; Caldwell, Donald; Cameron, John; Cameron, James; Campbell, David; Campbell, Henry; Carter, Walter; Carver, George Thos.; Christie, Geo. McH.; Claridge. H. V.; Clark, Fred. T.; Clark, John Wm.; Clark, Wm. A.; Clement, Thomas; Cochrane, David; Corbin, C. S. C.; Corin, Francis; Corcoran, John; Coton, Horace H.; Cruickshank, Geo., Jr.; Crump, Abel; Crump. Geo. B.; Daggett, John; Davies, John W. S.; Davidson. Donald; Dentith, Ernest J.; Dickenson, Robt.; Driver, Henry W.; Dodd, Charles; Duncan, George Marr; Evans, David T.; Fagg, Arthur Alfred; Falk, Alvin C.; Ferguson, K. F.; Ferguson, Robt.; Fielder, Fredk. W.; Foster, William W.; Foot, Edwin C.; Galbraith, John J. P.; Gilfillan, John; Godfrey, James T.; Gough, Thomas; Greaves, Alf. Wm.; Guest, Fred’k. E.; Hall, Wm. J.; Hallam, Wm. F.; Hammond, R. W.; Harris, Ernest S.; Herd, Sinclair John; Higgins, Chas. P.; Hill, Andrew C.; Hill, George; Huggard, John H.; Ingram, Alexander; Jackson, Richard; Johnston, Alexander; Johnson, Cecil H.; Jones, Harry Vernot; Keown, James H.; Kingsland, Samuel; Lane, Herbert V.; Luney, Walter; Malakoff, Harry; Macdonald, Alex.; MacDonald, John; Mackenzie, Roderick; Macnicol, Robert; Marshall, O. T. F.; Mathieson, George; MacLean, Wm. Alex.; McKean, Robt. A.; McKenzie, Colin; McKenzie, David; McLean. Laughlin D.; Melin, Clarence H.; Morrow, Alexander; Munro, Duncan; Noble, Walter; Norrington, Wm. S.; Orrick, John; Owen, William G.; Parker. Fred’k. E.; Parsons, Geo. B.; Pearmain, William; Peebles, Roland E.; Pennock, Dennis G.; Perry, Ivan Merle; Pitcher, Robt. E.; Pledger, George H;. Plimley, Thos. H.; Plimley, Thos. John; Pomeroy, James W.; Potts, Horace; Pratt, David; Price, Evan; Roberts, A S.; Robertshaw. Wm. H.; Rose, Joseph; Ross, David Alex.; Russell, John A. L.; Rylands, Joseph; Savage, Henry R.; Scott, David; Scoggs, Ernest ;Sharrock, J. T.; Shearer, Peter; Sheppard, L.; Sinclair, A. C.; Smith, Frederick; Smith, John Wm.; Smith, William; Smith, William C.; Smethurst, Geo.; Snaith, Oliver; Stenton, Harry R.; Stephenson, Harry; Street, Ernest H.; Sutherland, John A.; Tait, James L.; Tait, Wm. K.; Taylor, Harry Kidd; Telford, William; Thomson, Frank L.; Thompson, Thomas; Thorne, William T.; Tredway, Edward; Trousdale, W. H. P.; Walker, Harvey F. C.; Walton, Geoffrey H.; Waye, Herbert James; White, Wm.; Whittaker, Henry; Williams, Henry; Williams, Wallace E.; Williamson, H.; Wilson, Archibald; Wilson, A. James; Wilson, Henry; Wingat, Walter; Wood, Colinton, N.


Hetherington. E. W.; Hole, Philip A.; McKeown, R. Eric; Murphy, William; Rawlinson, John W.; Surles, Harris B.; Thorne, Wm. T., Jr.

Parsons, George B.


Price, James


Aitken, George G.; Ross, Thomas A.

The 1921-1922 membership lists are UNDER CONSTRUCTION

Regular meetings were held on the second Thursday of each month, at 7.30 p.m.


Willie A. Chambers – Wor. Master; James Cameron – Senior Warden; Henry Norman – Junior Warden; William S. Brown – Secretary; James W. Pomeroy – Chaplain; John W. Clark – Dir. of Ceremonies; Ernest S. Harris – Senior Deacon; Samuel Cook – Junior Deacon; Edward T. Hughes – Organist; James L. Tait – Steward; Alexander Johnston – Steward; Daniel G. Pennock – Inner Guard; Stuart M. Manuel (P.M.) – Tyler


John R. Anderson; Robert Baird; Cecil K. Christian; John W. Edwards; William Henderson; Norman O. Haugh; Robert Hetherington; Marmaduke B. Lloyd; George Lawson Milne, ; Colin McFadyen; Angus McKeown; William F. C. Pope; John Milton Shaw; Alex. W. Strathern; Henry R. Woodley; Alfred H. Walker


Percy C. Abel; Herbert W. Adams; Arch. M. Aitken; Thos. F. Alexander; Thomas H. Allan; James N. Anderson; Edward R. Appleby; Henry T. Attfield; John C. Bangerter; Henry A. Barnett; Ralph Berrill; James Bethell; F. H. Blashfield; Bernard R. Bonner; James Bradley; Edward Bray; Roderick Bray; James Brown; James F. Brown; William J. Buckett; Donald Caldwell; David Campbell; Henry Campbell; Walter Carter; George T. Carver; Howard V. Claridge; Frederick T. Clark; William A. Clark; Thomas Clement; Walter J. Clubb; David Cochrane; John Corcoran; Francis Corin; Horace H. Coton; James P. Cowden; G Cruickshanks, Jr.; Abel Crump; George B. Crump; John Dagget; John W. S. Davies; Donald Davidson; Earl J. Davis; Robert Dickenson; Charles Dodd; Arthur Dowell; Alfred Dowell; George M. Duncan; C. Ecclestone; Arthur A. Fagg; Alvin C. Falk; K. F. Ferguson; Robert Ferguson; Frederick W. Fielder; Robert E. Ford; William W. Foster; William C. Fraser; John R. Freer; J. J. P. Galbraith; John Gillifan; John T. Godfrey; Henry R. Gosse; Thomas Gough,; Alfred W. Greaves; Frederick E. Guest; William F. Hallam; R. W. Hammond; John R. Hartley; James M. Henderson; Sinclair J. Herd; E. W. Hetherington; Charles P. Higgins; Andrew C. Hill; George Hill; Frederick Holmes; John H. Huggard; Alexander Ingram; Richard Jackson; Francis Jarvie; Cecil H. Johnson; Harry V. Jones; James H. Keown; Thomas H. G. Lavis; Herbert V. Lane; Robbie B. Law; James Little; Anthony Lumley; E. W. Lumsden; Thomas B. Lumsden; Walter Luney; Alex. Macdonald; Ernest Macdonald; John Macdonald; Roderick Mackenzie; Robert Macnicol; Harry Malakoff; O. J. F. Marshall; George Mathieson; Walter A. McClean; William McCready; James McCundle; Robert A. McKean; R. E. McKeon; Donald McKay; Colin McKenzie; Harry McKenzie; David McKenzie; William McKinly; L. D. McLean; Clarence H. Melin; Charles Michie; Alexander Morrow; Thomas W. Morrow; Duncan Munro; William H. Munsie; William Murphy; Thomas Murray; William D. Murray; Walter Noble; Walter C. Norman; William S. Norrington; John Orrick; John S. Oliphant; William G. Owen; James E. Painter, Jr.; Frederick E. Parker; John S. Parker; George B. Parsons; Harris L. Pattison; William Pearmain; Herbert Pearson; Roland E. Peebles; Ivan M. Perry; Edmund Petch; Robert E. Pilcher; George H. Pledger; Thomas H. Plimley; Thomas J. Plimley; Frank D. Pomeroy; Horace Potts; David Pratt; Evan Price; John W. Rawlinson; S. A. Redgraves; Hugh C. F. Reston; Austin F. Roberts; William H. Robertshaw; Frank B. Robinson; James Roe; Joseph Rose; William Russell; Joseph Rylands; Henry R. Savage; Charles W. Sanders; David Scott; Charles W. Shaw; Ernest Scroggs; John I. Sharrock; Peter Shearer; Llewellyn Sheppard; Archibald Sinclair; Frederick Smith; John W. Smith; William Smith; William C. Smith; George Smethurst; Oliver Snaith; Thomas Sparks; Harry R. Stenton; Harry Stephenson; Arthur Stokes; Ernest H. Street; Harris B. Surles; John A. Sutherland; John Sweeton; Ernest L. Tait; William Ross Tait; Harry K. Taylor; William Telford; Frank L. Thomson; Thomas Thompson; Henry Thompsett; William T. Thorne, Sr.; William T. Thorne,Jr.; Edward Tredway; Wm. H. P. Trowsdale; Joseph Unwin; Daniel Wallace;Harvey H. C. Walker; Charles I. Ward; George I. Warren; Geoffrey H. Walton; John Watson; Herbert J. Waye; Jordon E. Weismiller; William White; Robert Whittle; Robert A. Willcox; Henry Whittaker; Henry Williams; Wallace E. Williams; Harry Williamson; Archibald Wilson; Arch J. Wilson; Henry Wilson; Walter E. Wilson; Walter Wingate; Colington N. Wood


Phillip A. Hole


Alfred H. Barnes; Frank B. Fox; Hugh Mc. Henderson


Ernest J. Denlith; William J. Hall

The 1924-1929 membership lists are UNDER CONSTRUCTION

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