737 Fort Street was built in 1912 by architect A. Arthur Cox for the British American Trust Company, which was involved in the investment of British capital in British Columbia infrastructure and business projects.

737 Fort Street is listed on the Canadian Register of Historic Places under the name British American Trust Company Building.

The founder of the British American Trust Company was Alfred Cornelius Flumerfelt (1856-1930), a member of Victoria-Columbia Lodge No. 1.

737 Fort Street, built in 1912 for the British American Trust Company, which was controlled by Alfred Flumerfelt, a member of Victoria-Columbia Lodge No. 1 [photo: mark Anderson]
737 Fort Street, built in 1912 for the British American Trust Company, which was controlled by Alfred Flumerfelt, a member of Victoria-Columbia Lodge No. 1 [photo: Mark Anderson]
737 Fort Street, built in 1912 for the British American Trust Company, which was controlled by Alfred Flumerfelt, a member of Victoria-Columbia Lodge No. 1 [photo: mark Anderson]
737 Fort Street, built in 1912 for the British American Trust Company, which was controlled by Alfred Flumerfelt, a member of Victoria-Columbia Lodge No. 1 [photo: Mark Anderson]
Alfred Cornelius Flumerfelt (1856-1930) was one of Victoria's leading financiers. He was a member of Victoria-Columbia Lodge No. 1 [City of Victoria Archives photo M07409]
Alfred Cornelius Flumerfelt (1856-1930) was one of Victoria’s leading financiers. He was a member of Victoria-Columbia Lodge No. 1 [City of Victoria Archives photo M07409]
Here is a map showing the location of 737 Fort Street:

Here is a Google Street View image of 737 Fort Street:

A Brief History of 737 Fort Street

737 Fort Street was built in 1912-1913 by architect A. Arthur Cox for the British American Trust Company, which was involved in the investment of British capital in British Columbia infrastructure and business projects. The founder of the British American Trust Company was Alfred Cornelius Flumerfelt, who built 855 Pemberton Road and later lived at 906 Pemberton Road.

In the period before the First World War (1914-1918), Britain was the leading source of foreign investment in British Columbia and several local and foreign companies, including the British North American Trust Company, were involved in channeling British investment capital into British Columbia projects.

The original building permit, issued by the City of Victoria to British American Trust Co. in October 1912, describes a “new concrete, stone [and] brick building, two storey, 8 rooms. Purpose: offices.” The estimated construction cost in 1912 was $35,000.

737 Fort Street is listed on the Canadian Register of Historic Places under the name British American Trust Company Building.

Here are links to some historic photos of 737 Fort Street:


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