Lt. Colonel Harold Joseph Rous Cullin (1875-1935) was a member of Vancouver & Quadra Lodge No. 2.

He was born in Liverpool, U.K. and trained in architecture in Britain. He worked in construction in South Africa before coming to Victoria in 1905.

He worked for Victoria architect Samuel Maclure as a draftsman before setting up his own architecture practice in Victoria in 1909. Here is a partial list of his projects.

B.C. Architects Society at the Empress Hotel, Victoria, circa 1913. Harold Joseph Rous Cullin is on the left in the first row, holding the white hat. [BC Archives photo F-09372]
B.C. Architects Society at the Empress Hotel, Victoria, circa 1913. Harold Joseph Rous Cullin is on the left in the first row, holding the white hat. [BC Archives photo F-09372]
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Lt. Colonel Harold Joseph Rous Cullin is buried in Royal Oak Burial Park, Saanich, B.C.

The grave of Harold Joseph Rous Cullin (1874-1935) in Royal Oak Burial Park, Saanich, B.C. [photo: Vancouver & Quadra Lodge No. 2 Historian]
The grave of Harold Joseph Rous Cullin (1874-1935) in Royal Oak Burial Park, Saanich, B.C. [photo: Vancouver & Quadra Lodge No. 2 Historian]
The grave of Harold Joseph Rous Cullin (1874-1935) in Royal Oak Burial Park, Saanich, B.C. [photo: Vancouver & Quadra Lodge No. 2 Historian]
The grave of Harold Joseph Rous Cullin (1874-1935) in Royal Oak Burial Park, Saanich, B.C. [photo: Vancouver & Quadra Lodge No. 2 Historian]
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