Joseph Eva Phillips (died 1908, aged 58) was a member and Past Master of Vancouver & Quadra Lodge No. 2 and Independent Order of Odd Fellows Dominion Lodge No.4 in Victoria, B.C..
Here is his obituary in the Victoria Daily Times newspaper:
“Well Known Resident of City Passed Away After Long Illness
The death occurred this morning of a well-known resident of this city in the person of Joseph E. Phillips, at his residence on View Street after a long illness. The deceased, who was born in Lincolnshire, England [note: the gravestone says he was a native of Cornwall, not Lincolnshire], was 58 years of age. He was a member of the Independent Order of Oddfellows and also of the Masonic order. For two years past he held the position of license commissioner and was a prominent member of the Conservative party in this city. He leaves to mourn him a widow, one daughter Mrs. (Captain) A.A. Sears and four sons, Joseph, Sydney, Edgar and George.
The funeral will take place on Sunday next at 2:30 from the residence, 824 View Street [note: no longer extant] to Ross Bay Cemetery.”
(source: Victoria Daily Times, 30 January 1908, page 2)
Joseph Eva Phillips is buried in Ross Bay Cemetery, Victoria, B.C. His gravestone displays the Masonic Square and Compasses and the I.O.O.F. 3 chain links.