Thomas Martin (died 1891, aged 76) was a member of Vancouver & Quadra Lodge No. 2.

The 1890 Victoria City Directory shows “Martin, Thos. prop The Grove, Esquimalt Road” and “ESQUIMALT Road, from Rock Bay Bridge to Esquimalt….. The Grove, Thomas Martin, prop” Unfortunately the City Directory does not give a more specific location for The Grove or an indication of what kind of business was being operated at The Grove.

Here is the local newspaper report of Thomas Martin’s death and funeral:

“MARTIN – At his residence, The Grove, Victoria West, on the 5th instant, Thomas Martin, a native of Newcastle-On-Tyne, aged 76 years.

The funeral will take place on Thursday at 2:30 p.m. from the Masonic Temple, Douglas Street. Friends are invited to attend.”

(Source: Colonist, 7 October 1891, page 8)

Thomas Martin is buried in Ross Bay Cemetery, Victoria, B.C.

The grave of Thomas Martin (died 1891) in Ross Bay Cemetery, Victoria, B.C. [photo: Vancouver & Quadra Lodge No. 2 Historian]
The grave of Thomas Martin (died 1891) in Ross Bay Cemetery, Victoria, B.C. [photo: Vancouver & Quadra Lodge No. 2 Historian]
The grave of Thomas Martin (died 1891) in Ross Bay Cemetery, Victoria, B.C. [photo: Vancouver & Quadra Lodge No. 2 Historian]
The grave of Thomas Martin (died 1891) in Ross Bay Cemetery, Victoria, B.C. [photo: Vancouver & Quadra Lodge No. 2 Historian]