Victoria, B. C.

Regular Meetings were held on the first Thursday of every month



Marshall, John T. – Wor. Master; Jewkes, Frederick R. – Senior Warden; Moir, Percival A. – Junior Warden; Taylor, Richard R., (P.M.) – Treasurer; Nickerson, Charles, (P.M.) – Secretary; McHutchon, James M., (P.M.) – Chaplain; McAulay, Archibald M. – Senior Deacon; Reid, Kenneth – Junior Deacon; Bland, William H., (P.M.) – Dir. of Ceremonies; Hughes, E. T. (non-member) – Organist; Helgesen, Christian A. – Steward; Hood, George A. – Steward; Giolma, Francis W. H. – Inner Guard; Stuart M. Manuel  (non-member) – Tyler


Agar, W. G. A.; Allen, Ernest P.; Bartholomew, Fred W.; Belbeck, Albert A.; Brown, George S.; Bryant, Frank M.; Christie, Gilbert D.; Exham, Francis R.; Hancock, Fredk.; Hawkins, Thomas W. C.; Hobbs, Frank V.; Homer, Stephen; Hopper, Charles E.; Ironside, M. C.; Jones, Alfred; Lefevre, Bernard E.; Lennox, Arthur C.; Lovell, Francis R.; Thomas Shanks McPherson; Mowat, David S.; Niblock, William E.; Parrott, Cecil M.; Peden, Robert; Richdale, William H. F.; Robertson, David C.; Salmon, Emanuel J.; Salmon, Henry L.; Saunders, John R.; Sedger, Gerald H.; Stewart, Alex.; Thomas, Ivor; Walker, Thomas W.; Williams, Edward; Willis, Frederic A.


Akehurst, Geo. H. N.; Alexander, Andrew L. B.; Anderson, Alan M.; Andrew, John; Andros, Edwyn R.; Atkinson, Thomas; Attwell, Fred. T.; Austin, Harry M.; Ballantyne, Gordon D.; Barnes, George H.; Barrow, Arthur; Bassett, Charles H.; Bateman, Cecil G.; Baxter, Charles B.; Baxter, John; Birkett, Frank; Bishop, Albert J. E.; Bishop, Harry F.; Blackwood, James; Bland, Frederick R.; Blaxill, Charles H.; Bond, Bertie Les; Bowden, John L.; Bradley, Ernest W.; Bradshaw, James R.; Braidwood, Thomas; Brenen, Earl S.; Brindle, Robert T.; Brooker, George W.; Brown, Clarence S.; Brown, Douglas; Brown, George M.; Brown, Thomas H.; Brown, Walter G.; Browne, William H.; Bugslag, Peter; Burnett, Richard M.; Burton, Reginald; Campbell, Duncan; Campbell, James; Cannon, Thomas; Carter, Arthur; Carver, Victor R.; Cave, Sidney G.; Charles, David Hughes; Christie. William H.; Clark, William R.; Clarke, Hugh; Clarke, Ivan H.; Cockett, William O.; Colby, Albert R.; Colthurst, John C. B.; Connorton, Claude M.; Cooper, Harry R.; Cooper, John H.; Crocker, Arthur H.; Croft, James J.; Crowther, Thomas R. H.; Cull, James S.; Cull, William; Cullin, Fredk. A.; Currie, William; Davidson, Daniel; Davidson, Robert F.; Davies, D. William; Dawley, Herbert B.; Day, Frederick J.; Dean, John; Dixon, Frank; Dobie, Matthew H.; Donnelly. George H.; Dorman, Oswald H.; Durbridge, A. J. W.; Durrell, Ernest; Ede, Wilbur John Clayton; Edwards, George W.; Eva, Charles R.; Evans, David M.; Evans, George A.; Farnsworth, William; Fielding, Harold; Fitchett, Robert X.; Flude, Walter A .;Forster, John G.; Fox, Robert Blackwell; Freethy, William R.; Frost, W. A.; Genn, Anthony; George, William B.; Gerrard, Reginald; Gibbs, Alfred E.; Gidley, James W.; Gilbert, Edward; Going, Philip S.; Goodwin, Frederick A,; Gowen, Frederick A.; Grant, James F.; Greenwood, Ernest A.; Griffin, Cuthbert F.; Groves, Edward T.; Halton, Jack R.; Handley, William H.; Hankin, Alfred; Hardy, Ernest A.; Harrison, Miles T.; Harrison, Robert; Hawes, George J.; Hawkes, Henry; Henry, William; Hewitt, A. N.; Hobson, Walter E.; Holden, Osborn; Holman, Samuel C.; Holman, William J.; John Homer; Hooper, Francis; Houghton, Harold A.; Hughes, Stuart L.; Hunter, R. A.; Hurley, Maurice R.; Isbister, John M.; Jackson, John W.; Jeffcott, J. E.; Jeune, Percy W.; Jewkes, Joseph H.; Jones, Charles F.; Jones, Robert R.; Keatinge, Walter H.; Kenning, Stuart G.; King, John W.; Kingsbury, James C.; Knott, Robert P.; Lawrie, Stanley; Leask, Cleveland S.; Lefevre, Cedric B. E.; Le Marquand, George J.; Lennox, J. W.; Lock, Frederick; Lomas, James; Longworth, James T.; Lorden, Henry; Low, Vivian; Lytton, Leonard C.; McArthur, James; McBrien, William H.; McCague, William; McCoubrey, Alex. R.; McDiarmid, Donald; Macdonald, John Hugh; Macfarlane, A. D.; MacFarlane, Donald C.; McGregor, Alfred R.; McKay, Stanley Hubert; McKenzie, David; Macleod, A. D.; MacSween, Norman; Mardell, George W, M.; Martin, Henry Herbert; Mason, Francis S.; Mathison, William; Maunsell, D. P. W.; Mawhood, Ronald D.; Mayhew, Robert W.; Meiss, James St. E.; Menzies, William R.; Merryfield, Garnet S.; Middleton, William; Mitchell, George T.; Mitchell, Gordon S.; Moir, George B.; Moore, Ivan M.; Moore, James E.; Morison, Charles K.; Morrison, Thomas E.; Muir, John; Muirhead, James McL.; Muncey, William H.; Neville, Sidney E.; Nuttall, Harry A.; Olive, Nicholas; Oliver, Mervyn W.; O’Neil, John; O’Neil, Walter C.; Palmer, Alfred W.; Palmer, Arnold; Paradise, Guy; Aaron Parfitt; Gilbert Parfitt; Mark Parfitt; Parsons, Victor M.; Paulding, James E.; Peden, Alex.; Perry, William F.; Phillips, Horace J. W.; Phillips, James W.; Platt, Thomas W.; Porter, George A.; Porter, H. A.; Porter, James Duke; Prescott, Claude; Prevost, Wilfred L. J.; Raines, William; Rainey, Samuel; Ranee, Ernest T.; Raymond, Joseph A.; Riches, Horace R.; Riley, Clifford G.; Ritchie, John; Robb, William; Robertson, Herman M.; Robillard, John J.; Robinson, Arthur; Roff, Robert; Rogers, O. H. P.; Rombough, Alex,; Ross, John; Rutherford, A. J.; Rutherford, William Temple; Salloway, Henry M.; Saunders, Stanley W.N.; Saunders, Walter J.J.; Schaper, Ernest; Scott, David; Scott, William T.; Sharpe, Arthur W.; Sidney Heaps Shaw; Andrew Sheret; Shields, A. R.; Waldo Skillings; Slater, George H.; Smedley, Frank; Smith, Frederick; Smith, Hiram I.; Smith, J. Gordon; Smith, James Rowan; Smith, Robert J. C.; Smith, Varon F.; Smith, Reginald H.; Stancombe, Gilbert; Stanger, Robert W. D.; Steele, Charles A.; Stevens, Ernest; Stevenson, Thomas; Stevenson, Thomas L.; Steward, Arthur; Sullivan, James A.; Arthur Christopher Sutton; Robert Hemington Swinerton; Jesse Percival Sylvester; Taylor, Newman; Thomson, James W.; Thomson, William; Thornett, Hubert; Townsend, David W.; Treloar, Albert V.; Tripp, George M.; Tumilty, John; Tuson, William A.; Wakeham, Alfred R.; Walker, William J.; Wallace. William; Ward, Albert W.; Waring, John; Warn, Stanley H.; Warren, William C.; Waterson, Raymond A.


Curtin, Alfred; Drake, Samuel J.; Hood, George; Jones, Thomas; Mills, David W.; Palmer, Richard M.; Palmer, Joseph W.; Perdue, George M.; William James Rennie; Richmond, James


Bryne, Thomas; Payne, Gerald F.; Sommerville, William T.

The lists for 1941-1949 are UNDER CONSTRUCTION

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