Victoria Lodge No. 1085 was the first Masonic Lodge in what is now British Columbia. It was chartered by the United Grand Lodge of England in 1858 but the first Lodge meeting was not held until August 1860 due to delays in receiving the Charter from England.

Here is the local newspaper report of the first meeting of Victoria Lodge No. 1085:

“MASONIC L ODGE.- We take great pleasure in announcing that a Masonic Lodge, under the name of “Victoria Lodge No. 1085,” was organized in Victoria on Monday evening last. This is the first lodge of the Order ever established here, or in fact, in any part of the British possessions on the Pacific.

The Charter was obtained from the Grand Lodge of England. The petition for the charter was forwarded to England in December, 1858, but owing to some informality, and to the charter being sent out via Cape Horn, nearly eighteen months expired before it arrived.

Since its arrival the installation of officers has been delayed to Monday evening last, in order to suitably fit up the Lodge Room over Messrs. Hibben and Carswell’s store, Yates street. We must say that the manner in which that has been done reflects great credit on the Order; in fact, there are few Masonic Halls on the Pacific coast better furnished, or more in keeping with the ancient landmarks of the fraternity.

The Officers were installed by Past Master Robert Burnaby, assisted by Past Master Henry Aguilar, of H.M.S. Grappler. The names of the office bearers are J.J. Southgate, W.M..; George Pearkes, S.W.; Wm. Jeffray, J.W.; J.N. Thain, T.; A. De Cosmos, S.; Wm H. Thain, S.D.; K. Gambitz, J.D.; L. Franklin, I.G.; J.R. McDonald, O.G.”

(Source: British Colonist, 22 August 1860, page )

When the Grand Lodge of British Columbia was established in 1871, following British Columbia’s entry in Confederation with Canada, Victoria Lodge No. 1085 became Victoria Lodge No. 1 under the new Grand Lodge of British Columbia.

It is now Victoria-Columbia Lodge No. 1.

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