Here is a list of the Deceased Brethren we know to be buried in Royal Oak Burial Park. We will be adding more names as we do additional research.

Royal Oak Burial Park is located at 4673 Falaise Drive, Saanich, B.C.

Here is a list of Freemasons we know to be buried in Royal Oak Burial Park (note: this list is not complete)

  1. William Percy AYLWARD (1895-1984) Police Officer – Temple Lodge No. 33
  2. David Herbert BALE (1867-1945) – Builder and contractor – Vancouver & Quadra Lodge No. 2
  3. CULLIN, Harold Joseph Rous (1875-1935) – Architect. Member of Vancouver & Quadra Lodge No. 2.
  4. Alexander DALLAS (died 1924) –  Victoria-Columbia Lodge No.1 and St. James’ Operative Lodge No.97, Edinburgh, Scotland
  5. Vaughan McPHERSON GALBRAITH – Temple Lodge No. 33
  6. Herbert LEISER (died 1953) – Henderson Lodge No. 84, Gizeh Shriners
  7. William James RENNIE – (died 1940) Victoria-Columbia Lodge No.1. Owner of the Imperial Bakery
  8. Edward Godfrey RODELL (died 1927, aged 57) – Henderson Lodge No. 84
  9. SHAW, Dr. John M. – First Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Saskatchewan.
  10. Andrew SHERET (1870-1947) – Victoria-Columbia Lodge No.1. Founder of Andrew Sheret Ltd.
  11. Matthew B. WELLBURN (1871-1969) – Victoria-Columbia Lodge No.1. Founder of Wellburn’s Grocery, 1058 Pandora Avenue.

Here is a map showing the location of Royal Oak Burial Park, 4673 Falaise Drive, Saanich, B.C.:

Here is a Google Street View image of the Royal Oak Burial Park entrance at 4673 Falaise Drive, Saanich, B.C.:


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