For the benefit of historians and other researchers, we will gradually be putting the Historic Membership Lists of Victoria’s Masonic Lodges online.

Here are link to pages on the Historic membership Lists of individual Masonic Lodges in Victoria, organized by decade:

Victoria-Columbia Lodge No. 1

Vancouver & Quadra Lodge No. 2

United Peninsula Lodge No. 24 (formerly United Services Lodge No. 24)

St. Andrew’s Lodge No. 49 (warrant surrendered)

Camosun Lodge No. 60

Brittannia Lodge No. 73

  • Membership Lists 1910-1919
  • Membership Lists 1920-1929
  • Membership Lists 1930-1939
  • Membership Lists 1940-1949
  • Membership Lists 1950-1959
  • Membership Lists 1960-1969

Henderson Lodge No. 84

Mt. Shephard Lodge No. 159

Goldstream Lodge No. 161

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