Pioneer Square (known originally as the Old Burying Ground or the Quadra Street Burial Ground) is located on Quadra Street between Meares St. and Rockland Ave. in downtown Victoria. It is Victoria’s second oldest cemetery – the oldest was originally at what is now the busy downtown intersection of Douglas Street and Johnson Street – and was used for burials between 1855 and 1873.

Burials at Pioneer Square ceased when Ross Bay Cemetery was opened in 1873.

The grave of Paul Medana in Pioneer Square in downtown Victoria. Christ Church Cathedral is in the background. [photo: Vancouver & Quadra Lodge No. 2 Historian]
The grave of Paul Medana in Pioneer Square in downtown Victoria. Christ Church Cathedral is in the background. [photo: Vancouver & Quadra Lodge No. 2 Historian]
Here is a map showing the location of Pioneer Square:

The bodies from the original cemetery at Douglas and Johnson Streets were later disinterred and removed for reburial in other locations, possibly Pioneer Square or Ross Bay Cemetery. Burials in Pioneer Square were discontinued after Ross Bay Cemetery opened in 1873.

Approximately 1300 bodies were interred in Pioneer Square during its 18 years of operation. These include many well known names among Victoria’s early pioneer families and residents. Here is a link to a Searchable Database.

After its closure in 1873, Pioneer Square was neglected and allowed to deteriorate.

In the early 20th century, the City of Victoria removed most of the tombstones from Pioneer Square and placed them in storage. Other tombstones were moved from their original locations to a small area on the eastern side of the cemetery.

All the tombstones that were removed from Pioneer Square are now in the custody of the Old Cemeteries Society, a non profit organization devoted to preserving old cemeteries. Here is a link to an article on Pioneer Square by Cowichan Valley historian T.W. Paterson.

Several Freemasons are known to be buried in Pioneer Square. Masonic tomb markers left in their original locations are those of:

The grave of Thomas Carter (died 1869, aged 54) in Pioneer Square, Victoria, B.C..This is one of the few Pioneer Square graves still in its original position. [photo: Vancouver & Quadra Lodge No. 2 Historian]
The grave of Thomas Carter (died 1869, aged 54) in Pioneer Square, Victoria, B.C..This is one of the few Pioneer Square graves still in its original position. [photo: Vancouver & Quadra Lodge No. 2 Historian]
The grave of Paul Medana in Pioneer Square in downtown Victoria [photo: Vancouver & Quadra Lodge No. 2 Historian]
The grave of Paul Medana in Pioneer Square in downtown Victoria [photo: Vancouver & Quadra Lodge No. 2 Historian]
The grave of Andrew Phillipps in Pioneer Square, Victoria, B.C. [photo: Vancouver & Quadra Lodge No. 2 Historian]
The grave of Andrew Phillips in Pioneer Square, Victoria, B.C. [photo: Vancouver & Quadra Lodge No. 2 Historian]
The tombstone of Brother James Orr was moved to the eastern section of the cemetery, so although Brother James Orr‘s tombstone is still in Pioneer Square, his actual grave is now unmarked and its location unknown.

Freemasons whose Pioneer Square tomb stones were removed and placed in storage (now in the care of the Old Cemeteries Society) and who are therefore also now in unmarked graves with unknown locations are:

Note: this list may not be complete. We will add additional names if or when we discover them.

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